10. Broughton Community Fire Station Crew
The crew have worked at Broughton Community Fire Station between two and 29 years.

What does Bury New Road mean to you?
Firefighter Clarke: “I cycle the Road every day to work and over the 29 years I’ve been here I’ve seen a lot of changes, particularly with the buildings and the influx of Jewish people. I used to drink in The House That Jack Built, I did training at Hanover Court and in the basement of the convent on Singleton Road. A lot of that has now gone, including the George pub, but there’s not really been that much change. We used to have one of the busiest pumps in Europe but now there’s only one left…”

9. Ahmed Basim and Hasham Nacir
Have worked at the Sultan Turkish Grill on Bury New Road, Strangeways for five months.

What does Bury New Road mean to you?
Ahmed: “For me, it means work, and good friendly people, regardless of the prison across the road!”
Hasham: “You can get some good clothes around here – it’s nice!”

8. Alan Webster
Prestwich Big Issue seller at Aldi for ten years…

What does Bury New Road mean to you?
“Bury New Road means a lot to me. There’s some lovely people and I know everyone by their first name…”

7. Phil Thornley
Prestwich Tesco worker for thirty years and circus skills hot shot…

What does Bury New Road mean to you?
“I just come off the M62 to work here, so Bury New Road is just a road to work!”

6. Christine Woodward
Proprietor at Christine’s Beauty for six years…

What does Bury New Road mean to you?
“I love the diversity of Bury New Road, with people from all walks of life, cultures and backgrounds mixing together and creating a unique buzz…”

5. Paul Campbell
Has been one of four hundred members of the Village Greens Community Co-op for eight years

What does Bury New Road mean to you?
“It means walking home along Bury New Road after clubbing at Rafters!…”

4. Kaye Leah
Owner of Prestwich Hardware in Prestwich Village for 14 years…
What does Bury New Road mean to you?
“It’s changed quite a bit, especially this area, with businesses changing hands a lot. I used to go to the Rialto Cinema a lot and lived at Ascot Court. I do get nostalgic about it…”

3. Louise Henderson
Has worked at Hazeldean Hotel on reception for six months.

What does Bury New Road mean to you?
“I love the area, it’s really vibrant, it’s very picturesque, very green, lots of beautiful flora and I love the history of the place, and it’s so nice to be working in the hotel that’s in the heart of Bury New Road, with guests coming from all over the world…”

2. Alan Yaffe
Dispensing Optician and Artist who has worked at Village Opticians in Prestwich Village for four years.
What does Bury New Road mean to you?
“I have lived either on or off Bury New Road almost all of my life and have lots of good memories from when I was young – buying the Mousetrap game from Lupton’s toy shop, playing in St Mary’s Park and flower garden and going to the Co-op department store in Tower Buildings, where Village Opticians is now. Lately, Bury New Road is just a nightmare as you can’t get anywhere quickly. There seems to be a new pedestrian crossing and traffic lights going in every week, plus the cycle lanes, the bus lanes…it’s crazy!”

Chris Mamvura
Works at Car Sales, Strangeways
What does Bury New Road mean to you?
“It’s an active road and a mixed bag with a lot of different characters. People come from all over to go to the shops, and there’s a lot of police action! People come for the right, and sometimes wrong, reasons…”

Can you also add more details of where these people are along Bury New Road, eg Christine’s hair salon?
The reason for slowing the traffic along Bury New Road particularly in Prestwich is NOT crazy – but it is deliberately planned to make the area more pedestrian-friendly and less pollution for local residents, rather than those who just drive through and never stop – there are many other routes and ways for them to get to Manchester City Centre, E.g. Metrolink , other Junctions, etc.
Some of these will have moved into the area because its up and coming status. There are people who’ve been in the area years i.e. the lady who has worked in Magnum Whitelines taxi office for around 30 years now called Lynda